Die Linke über Syrien

Es ist vielleicht auch gar nicht verkehrt, sich bei Gelegenheit mit dem zu beschäftigen, was Robin Yassin-Kassab zu sagen hat. Man kann sich dann auch mal fragen, auf wen das alles zutrifft:

When I still talked about such things, I delivered this critique of the left and how wrong it went over the Syrian revolution. In Oslo last year.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfdU7LH2aso&w=854&h=480]

Von seinem Blog Qunfuz., wo man auch lesen kann:

Alongside the chants of ‘Blood and Soil’, ‘You Will Not Replace Us’, ‘White Lives Matter’ and ‘Fuck You Faggots’, some of the privileged fascists rallying at Charlottesville, Virginia gave their opinions on the Syrian issue. “Support the Syrian Arab Army,” they said. “Fight the globalists. Assad did nothing wrong. Replacing Qaddafi was a fucking mistake.”

It’s worth noting that these talking points – support for Assad and the conspiracy theories which absolve him of blame for mass murder and ethnic cleansing, the Islamophobia which underpins these theories, the notion that ‘globalists’ staged the Arab Revolutions, and the idea that the Libyan revolution was entirely a foreign plot – are shared to some extent or other by most of what remains of the left.

In 2011 I expected that Syria’s predominantly working-class uprising against a sadistic regime that is both neo-liberal and fascist would receive the staunch support of leftists around the world. I was wrong.

Oder man besorgt sich gleich das Buch Burning Country. Vielleicht mal ein Beitrag zur neuerlichen Alphabetierung der Linken.

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2 Antworten zu Die Linke über Syrien

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  2. Pingback: Ach übrigens, Würzburg! | Das grosse Thier

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