The Storm is on its Way

Die Unruhen im Iran haben nicht aufgehört; die Streiks der Lehrer und der Bazaarhändler weiten sich aus. In Kazeroon, Provinz Fars, gibt es bürgerkriegsähnliche Szenen, und in ganze anderen Landesteilen solidarisiert man sich. Das Beben ist auch im näheren Machtbereich des Iran zu spüren, Armenien, Iraq und Kurdistan,

which means(in ME)the storm is on its way to hit.

Wenn euch 2011 zu krass war, dann schnallt euch schon mal an.

Protesters shouted out various slogans during the rallies — “State Radio and Television Should be Ashamed,” “The Government Supports Gazans, But Betrays Kazerun,” and “Our Enemy is Here, not in the US” among them.

heisst es.

The protests caught the attention of the media and social networking sites because some of the protesters‘ chants were very similar to those used in the demonstrations that spread across the country in early January 2018 — suggesting a deeper, more widespread malaise. Some people shouted: “Our enemy is right here; liars say it is America,” but there were other, more shocking slogans too, including “Be afraid when we get guns” and “We will kill the traitors.” This readiness for violent confrontation is new, and had not been a feature of earlier rallies.

Der letzte Satz stimmt nicht ganz. Um so krasser.

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