A man of people, me / My people never be free

Eine kleine subkulturelle Anekdote aus Nordirland, aus den Dörfern wo Anfang 90er noch offensichtlic die IRA das Gewaltmonopol inne hatte. Man muss sich gar nicht um orientalistische Exotik bemühen, das alles ist ganz gut immer noch mitten in Europa vorstelabar und praktizierbar. Just sayin‘.

Wir sollten uns die Geschichte der IRA usw näher naschauen, aber ich pfelge ja Sachen zu versprechen, die ich dann mal gerne vergesse.  Nach Alternativen zu „defund the police“ könnt ihr euch ja selbst umschauen, Herrgottnochmal!

‚Shitkicker’, a frantic song with a noisy riff inspired by the playing style of Silverfish guitarist Andrew ‚Fuzz‘ Duprey, tells the tale of a musician friend who lived in a Republican area of Belfast. ‚It was basically run by a paramilitary organisation‘, explains Andy. ‚The thing about paramilitaries in Nothern Ireland that we found strange growing up – on both sides – was the little foot soldiers who got involved. They thought they had carte blanche to do what they wanted under the umbrella of this political organisation. If you pissed off a kid, they‘d go, ‚I‘ll tell my da, and my da will get you done.‘ They were empty threats half the time, but if you knew they were connected, you‘d keep your mouth shut. It was just part of growing up.

‚Our friend told us this story about him and his friend were into psychobilly and had bleached-blonde quiffs‘, he adds. ‚He was approached by sine people representing a paramilitary organisation and they said some old ladies had been complaining about his haircut. ‚It upsets them, so get rid of it,‘ they told him. ‚We brand it antisocial behavior.‘ It could get you beaten up – or worse. They didn’t get their hair cut. Later, someone had got into his house and written a message on his mirror in lipstick: This is warning number one, next we‘re back, we‘ll bring the gun. That‘s when he started growing his hair out‘.

Simon Young „So much for the 30 years plan. Therapy? The authorized biography“, 2020

– spf

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